For 85% of Dutch companies conservation of biodiversity is seen as important; Financial institutions in particular are putting pressure on companies for improvement; Only 26% of the companies surveyed have concrete objectives for preserving biodiversity. Biodiversity finally on the agenda […]
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Biodiversity found to be important theme for Dutch listed companies
Publication: AGM engagement report 2022 - Keep Up
AMR: meer aandacht voor minder antibiotica in veeteelt
Op initiatief van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) is het elk jaar op 7 april Wereldgezondheidsdag. Sinds de uitbraak van de coronapandemie staan zoönosen, ziektes die van dier op mens kunnen overgaan, in de kijker als bedreiging voor de volksgezondheid. De link […]
Read moreVBDO welcomes newest members Phenix Capital & Trillium Asset Management
On behalf of the VBDO, Executive Director Angélique Laskewitz welcomes our newest members, Phenix Capital Group and Trillium Asset Management. Phenix Capital Group “Phenix Capital Group is a leading impact investment specialist firm with the mission to catalyze institutional capital […]
Read moreWebinar Child labour in the kobalt industry
During the second session in this series on child labor and the financial sector, a number of experts will focus on child labor in the cobalt sector. Since cobalt is crucial for the energy transition, this sector is of particular […]
From risk management to real impact
In theory, it makes sense if the impact of your portfolio on the real world is in line with your investment policy. This means, for example, that CO2 emissions are not only reduced in our own portfolio, but that these […]
Read moreWorkshop: How to invest sustainable
NB. This workshop is in Dutch. It’s organized by the VBDO in collaboration with Triodos Bank as part of the Sustainable Weekend in Utrecht. Investing is the new saving. But how do you start investing? And how do you ensure […]
Sign upAngélique Laskewitz new chair of the Supervisory Board of IUCN NL
VBDO’s executive director Angélique Laskewitz has today, with the consent of the Dutch IUCN members, been appointed as a member and the new chair of the Supervisory Board of IUCN NL. Starting April 15, she will take over the duties […]
Guide for conservation organisations: how to engage the financial sector?
Publication: NGO Guide: 6 steps to engaging financial institutions
Financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds hold leverage over the companies and governments they provide money to for projects and activities affecting people and nature. This makes them an important ally for conservation organisations. But how […]
Read more DownloadExpertsession 1: Stop Child Labour
NB. This event is intended for professionals working within the banking, insurance pension fund sector. Would you like to contribute ideas about the role of the financial sector in combating child labor? VBDO, in cooperation with the Alliance Work: No […]
VBDO platform meeting
NB. This is a member only event, the event is in Dutch We cordially invite our members to the VBDO platform meeting on Thursday 10 December. Program Welcome & state of affairs | Angélique Laskewitz, VBDO 5 years of SRJS […]
Presentation Benchmark Responsible Investments by Pension funds in the Netherlands 2020
Nb. This event is in Dutch. The benchmark will be published in English. The presentation of the Benchmark Responsible Investments by Pension funds in the Netherlands 2020 will take place this year during (the live broadcast of) the Financial Investigator’s […]
A warm welcome to our newest member
The entire VBDO team would like to thank World Animal Protection (WAP) for its support and extends a warm welcome. We are very happy with their membership and look forward to a sustainable cooperation! WAP protects animals worldwide. Wild animals, […]
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