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Tax: An Investor Guide

Tax transparency has become an essential aspect of responsible investment. The Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) updates this guide to reflect the evolving regulatory landscape and the growing expectations of stakeholders regarding corporate tax practices. Institutional investors […]

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News - Faitrade’s vision on responsible value chains -

This article is part of our recent publication, Towards a responsible value chain – The role of investors and the CSDDD. Fairtrade is an international social movement and a certification scheme aimed at changing the way trade works through better […]

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News - SAIL Investments newest VBDO member -

VBDO welcomes asset manager SAIL Investments as the newest member of the VBDO. The organisation informs us: “SAIL Investments is a global sustainable private credit asset manager. Its strategic investment approach is to define a robust sustainability framework pre-lending and […]

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"A great, open discussion" - Marcel Andringa, Executive Director

We had a good open discussion with VBDO about the implementation of our sustainable investment policy. They gave us specific points for improvement. Conversely, they were also open to our experiences and suggestions.

Ahold Delhaize pensioen

"VBDO brings the outside in" - Eric Huizing, VP Investments

We appreciate the work of VBDO. They bring the “outside in”; we are busy with the day-to-day business and then responsible investing often comes second. Through the role of “louse in the fur”, VBDO makes us aware of the fact that you should not only include the financial result in your decision-making process.

"A Driving Force" - Masja Zandbergen, Head of Sustainability Integration

The VBDO benchmark is one of the motivations for Dutch pension funds to seriously approach sustainable investment and continue to improve it.