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Dependence on nature for the future of business too often underestimated

Auteur: Alexander Spek, Sustainability Lead, PwC & Angélique Laskewitz, Executive Director, VBDO - 31/07/2024

What are (listed) companies doing to reduce their negative impact on biodiversity and increase their future-proofness? And what are the good practices to learn from? Investors are already working on it, large organizations need incentives to get started, and the […]

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VBDO AGM engagement report cover 2024

Lack of attention for non-material topics because of implementation CSRD


Publication: AGM Engagement Report 2024 - From Compliance to Leadership

If not labelled as material for new European legislation, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies are falling behind with action and reporting on sustainable themes. This became evident from research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), […]

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AGM ava

AGM engagement seminar 2024


During the seminar, we will bring you up to date on the key results of our visit to almost 40 shareholders’ meetings (AGMs) of the Netherlands’ largest companies. We will give you keen insight into recent developments and best practices, […]

VBDO AGM sustainability themes

VBDO’s AGM engagement themes 2024


Since 1995 we have been a loyal visitor to general shareholders’ meetings (AGMs). Every year, we ask critical questions to the directors of around 40 Dutch, listed companies, to promote sustainable business operations. During the engagement process, the most material […]

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Angelique Laskewitz good practice biodiversity

Best practices to engage meaningfully with biodiversity

Auteur: Angélique Laskewitz, directeur VBDO & Alexander Spek, Sustainability Lead PWC - 06/02/2024

Large companies and investors need to get the huge loss of biodiversity on their radar and implement measures to help nature recover. Such is the aim of PwC and the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), which are now […]

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VBDO Biodiversity and Business voorkant rapport

VBDO report highlights need for more holistic approach to biodiversity


Publication: Biodiversity and Business - Challenges and good practices

A new report by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) in collaboration with PwC entitled Biodiversity and Business highlights the need for companies to take a more holistic approach to biodiversity. The report highlights the actions and strategies […]

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Seminar Bottom Line! – Responsible investing in the energy transition


There is no doubt we need to accelerate the transition from fossil to renewable energy. But how do we ensure that we make this transition as fair as possible, with the lowest possible negative impact on people and nature? A […]

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Integration of biodiversity in SRI policies by pension fund Rail & OV

Auteur: Joël Habets, investment strategist, and Simona Kramer, portfolio manager Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) at Pension fund Rail & OV. - 11/12/2023

Last year Pension Fund Rail & OV published a case study on biodiversity, exploring how institutional investors can include this topic in socially responsible investment (SRI) policies. We spoke with Joël Habets, investment strategist, and Simona Kramer, portfolio manager Socially […]

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FAIRR collective engagement

Collective engagement FAIRR on Biodiversity Waste & Polution and Protein Diversification now open


Two collaborative engagements facilitated by FAIRR are now open for investor sign-on until the 17th of November. The Biodiversity Waste and Pollution Engagement Phase 2, which last year had 80 supporting investor members with over $US 23 trillion in combined investor assets. […]

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By no means all Dutch investors are paying attention to biodiversity


Publication: Unraveling Biodiversity for Investors

A study published by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), reveals that investors are paying increasing attention to the crucial issue of biodiversity. The study among 60 Dutch, financial institutions, shows that more than 2 in 5 financial […]

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Webinar biodiversity WWF

Webinar – Unraveling biodiversity for investors


This webinar is organised in collaboration with WWF. The urgency of biodiversity loss is in parallel with the complexity of what biodiversity entails. Please join us for this webinar in which we seek to unravel biodiversity in investment decision-making. Christine […]

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How BPL pension fund invests in biodiversity


Eric Douma is a board member of BPL Pensioen: the pension fund for the agricultural sector. Besides this, he also represents agricultural entrepreneurs as a member of the board of LTO Noord, the Agriculture and Horticulture Organisation for North Netherlands, […]

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