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VBDO & Rainforest Foundation Norway investor statement on nickel mining and supply chains


Publication: Investor Expectations Statement on Nickel Supply Chains

VBDO calls on all its members and other institutional investors to sign our investor statement on the requirements for improved social and environmental conditions for the nickel mining industry.

Investors expect improved social and environmental due diligence in nickel supply chains of the electric vehicle (EV) industry. The use of nickel in EV batteries has raised growing concerns about environmental and social risks, such as deforestation, water and air pollution, conflicts with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, biodiversity loss, and high greenhouse gas emissions, especially in Southeast Asia.

Investors are calling for responsible mining practices and higher environmental and social impact standards in nickel supply chains. We draw attention to the rights of local communities and expect actions from companies on three points:

  1. Implementing responsible mining practices in nickel supply chains, with a focus on respecting the rights of indigenous peoples;
  2. Enhanced social and environmental due diligence, with increased transparency and disclosure of risks;
  3. Time-bound commitments to deforestation-free nickel supply chains, with a deadline of 2025.

These expectations are aimed at companies in the downstream EV sector, including automakers and battery producers. VBDO refers, among other things, to the UN Guiding Principles, OECD guidelines and the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), which can support companies in implementing the aforementioned expectations.

More information and participation

The call for investors is part of the Investor Initiative on Responsible Nickel Supply Chains, created in collaboration with Rainforest Foundation Norway.

Do you have any questions, would you like to receive more information or sign the statement? Please contact Freek van Til (, project manager at VBDO.

Signatories of the statement will be contacted for further opportunities for coordination and information exchange on this topic, following the publication of the statement.