162 million children globally are part of the labour force. For the Dutch financial sector, child labour is an underexposed topic. Two-thirds of the institutional investors surveyed mention child labour in their RI policy, but only 7% of this group […]
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Child labour, an underexposed topic for the Dutch financial sector
Publication: Child labour and Dutch institutional investors: a study on incorporating child labour in responsible investment
Sustainable investing by pension funds does not yet translate into a sustainable world
Publication: Benchmark on Responsible Investment by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2021
Many Dutch insurers lack climate policy
Publication: Benchmark on Responsible Investments by Insurers in the Netherlands 2021
Biodiversity integration in the Dutch financial sector: Why it’s critical to be proactive and invest in nature
Publication: Biodiversity integration in the Dutch financial sector: Why it’s critical to be proactive and invest in nature
Increased commitments on sustainable performance of companies, transparency is lacking
Publication: AGM engagement report 2021 - Setting the pace
Every year, the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) visits the shareholders’ meetings of the largest Dutch, stock-listed companies to obtain commitments on sustainable performance. This is based on extensive research into (non) sustainable performances of these companies. […]
Read more DownloadThe role of financial institutions and governments in Dutch climate adaptation
Publication: Making the Netherlands climate adaptive: The role of financial institutions and governments
Eumedion, VEB and VBDO: during virtual AGM offer shareholders the possibility to speak live, ask questions and make comments
Publication: AGM statement VBDO, Eumedion and VEB
Joint call leading up to the AGM season 2021 Eumedion, the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) and the Vereniging van Effectenbezitters VEB (VEB) (Association of Stockholders) see that physical shareholders’ meetings are undesirable in the coming months so […]
Read moreGuide for conservation organisations: how to engage the financial sector?
Publication: NGO Guide: 6 steps to engaging financial institutions
Financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds hold leverage over the companies and governments they provide money to for projects and activities affecting people and nature. This makes them an important ally for conservation organisations. But how […]
Read more DownloadVBDO calls on companies to be transparent about subsidies and tax exemptions
Publication: Tax Transparency Benchmark 2020 - A comparative study of 77 Dutch listed companies
Deforestation risks in Latin America: Recommendations for investors
Publication: Whitepaper - Recommendations for investors on deforestation and conversion risks related to cattle ranching and beef supply chains in Latin America
Voting for sustainability seen by pension funds as an important tool, despite limited application
Publication: Proxy Voting for Sustainability - Research among Dutch Pension Funds
Dutch pension funds challenged to translate sustainable policy into practice
Publication: Benchmark on Responsible Investments by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2020
Each year, the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) examines the performance of the responsible investment policy of Dutch pension funds (supported by FNV). The benchmark assesses the 50 largest pension funds in the Netherlands, together accounting for 92% […]
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