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VBDO supports CSR platform call to Minister Schreinemacher

The European Commission recently published a proposal for rules for sustainable and responsible business in global supply chains. The proposal includes a due diligence obligation for companies and a promise that governments will monitor compliance with the rules.

However, according to the CSR platform (the Dutch “MVO platform”), the proposal sets the bar too low on several points (in Dutch), as a result of which there is no positive impact on people and communities in the supply chains of companies. The European Commission also wants the rules to only apply to a very small group of companies (with more than 500 employees and a turnover of at least 150 million euros), and thus seems to be responding to a strong counter lobby from companies.

VBDO supports the call of the MVO Platform to Minister Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) to get started with the introduction of a Dutch law for responsible business, as agreed in the coalition agreement.