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Publications 2024

VBDO AGM engagement report cover 2024

AGM Engagement Report 2024 - From Compliance to Leadership

Lack of attention for non-material topics because of implementation CSRD

If not labelled as material for new European legislation, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies are falling behind with action and reporting on sustainable themes. This became evident from research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), […]

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Mining indonesia

Investor statement on responsible EV nickel supply chains

Investors worldwide call for responsible mining practices in Nickel industries

31 investors with US$ 2.7 trillion in combined assets under management, have signed a statement demanding companies to enhance their environmental and social due diligence in nickel supply chains of the electric vehicle (EV) industry. They are calling for the […]

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VBDO Biodiversity and Business voorkant rapport

Biodiversity and Business - Challenges and good practices

VBDO report highlights need for more holistic approach to biodiversity

A new report by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) in collaboration with PwC entitled Biodiversity and Business highlights the need for companies to take a more holistic approach to biodiversity. The report highlights the actions and strategies […]

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Investor Expectations Statement on Nickel Supply Chains

VBDO & Rainforest Foundation Norway investor statement on nickel mining and supply chains

VBDO calls on all its members and other institutional investors to sign our investor statement on the requirements for improved social and environmental conditions for the nickel mining industry. Investors expect improved social and environmental due diligence in nickel supply […]

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