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Online expert session Deforestation and financial decision-making


NB. The language of this event is English Online VBDO expert session Deforestation and financial decision-making: what can investors do? Forests are the lungs of the world and play an important role in mitigating CO2 emissions. They are a vital […]

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Deforestation risks in Latin America: Recommendations for investors


Publication: Whitepaper - Recommendations for investors on deforestation and conversion risks related to cattle ranching and beef supply chains in Latin America

On December 1st, 2020, the Brazilian space agency INPE announced that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had risen to a record level, the highest in 12 years. Beef production in Latin America is linked to deforestation. VBDO, IUCN NL and […]

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Announcement event – Beef production and the supply chain: Risks of deforestation and land conversion


In the second week of May we will talk to investors, retailers and international experts about the risks associated with livestock farming, the effects on deforestation and the conversion of land. We’ll delve deeper into the impact that livestock farming […]

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